Skype for Business Alternatives

Skype for Business offers several functionalities that MALT proposes to replace with the following alternative applications:

  • Instant Messaging: Mattermost can be considered for instant messaging. It is an open source application deployed on-premises at CERN.
  • Audio Call: the replacement for audio calls is CERNphone.
  • Video Calls: if you are interested in a video call, you should consider Zoom. Check the Zoom FAQ to know more.
  • Contacts:
    • CERN phonebook: the CERNphone mobile client will offer click-to-dial functionality from CERN Phonebook. Users will be able to open the CERN phonebook web page, tap on a number, and get a call placed via CERNphone. The upcoming desktop client will offer an integration with the CERN phonebook, from which you can create a contact list.
    • Exchange contacts: Exchange contacts will be migrated to DoveCot/OpenExchange and can then be synchronised onto your desktop and smartphone contacts apps via CardDAV or ActiveSync. CERNphone mobile can access the smartphone contacts. CERNphone desktop will provide URI integration (launching calls from your desktop’s address book app).